Thursday, February 13, 2014

February Update

Long time, no post. I suppose this was bound to happen eventually.

I've been doing fairly well in school. No failed tests yet! Don't judge me, college is hard okay? I'm in a lot of challenging classes this semester, but I wouldn't have it any other way right now. This is the first time in my academic career where I feel like what I'm learning in class can be applied later in my life and that's pretty cool.

I've been sticking pretty heavily to a gym schedule, which is great because if you know me at all, you know I can't stick with things for anything. Including a blog apparently. But I've been going five days a week which may seem slightly excessive, but if you want results... Summer bodies are made in winter and Jesus is it cold out there.

Finally though the Midwest did warm up a bit today. I think it was almost 50 F outside. This weekend is supposed to be beautiful, but I'm sure I won't notice it behind the glass windows of the library where I will be getting my study on. Maybe I'll even post something to avoid the terrible homework that's going to take me all of Saturday afternoon.

Also, I've been thinking of changing my blog's domain name. I came up with something I like better, and let's be real, no one will find this blog with a typo in the name. I'm about 10000% positive my dad is the only one who reads this stuff (Love you, dad!) anyway.

I have some good ideas for future posts so keep on the lookout for those. I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately and drawing inspiration. Maybe one day like ten people will read this! (2014 Goal: 10 readers.)

I'm also halfway through season 8 of How I Met Your Mother, which is the last season on Netflix. So when that's over I'm not sure what I'll watch. Open to all suggestions!

Hope everyone is well.


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