Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Worst Things About Being In An LDR With Your Best Friend

We all have that one person, our rock, our w to our wcw, or just simply our best friend. When you've had a friend forever, it's inevitable that at some point you'll be separated. Whether it be that you go to different schools, take jobs in different cities, or just end up apart for awhile. Your bond will never fade, but there are some definite downers to not having your BFF at your side all the time.

1. She can't be there to tell you what a guy really means.

Or what to say back to him.

2. When something life-chaning happens on the internet, she isn't there to bask in the excitement/horror with you.

3. When you fight, you can't hug it out. 

4. She can't stop you from making out with that guy at the bar.

And seriously who even knows where your other friends went.

5. She isn't there to laugh with you at all the dumb things you hear people say.

6. Who's gonna judge other girls with you?

7. She can't be there to approve of the new guy you're dating.

And we all know it's not official until your best friend says it's okay.

8. There's no one to shamelessly eat Ben and Jerry's ice cream with and cry at chick-flicks on a friday night. 

9. She can't stop you from public humiliation in those see through leggings.

Or just judge your outfit in general.

10. You sometimes have to get updates on each others life via Twitter or Facebook. 

Excuse me, bitch why didn't I get a text?

11. When you're sad, she would be there in a heartbeat to shut down all the negatives and give you an award winning pep talk. But she can't be cause distance.

12. You can't get ready together.

13. When your party anthem comes on, there's no one else to dance like crazy with you.

Where my party people?

14. You have to drink alone.

And we all know that's not a good idea.

15. No one is there to understand that your bitchiness is out of pure love.

Why doesn't anyone get my sarcasm? 

16. You can't sing obnoxiously loud in the car together.

We both know neither of you can sing, but this is a judgment free zone.

17. You have to miss her.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Easy Breakfast

The easy breakfast featuring my favorite breakfast sandwich of all time. 

This is one of my go to meals no matter where I am. I've convinced so many people to try this sandwich, and trust me when I tell you it's amazing. And it's too easy. I've been making this for myself since I was fifteen and knew nothing about cooking. The smoothie is super easy and fast too, delicious with not too many ingredients. If you would like to know how to make either the sandwich or the smoothie, all of the ingredients/how to are below!

Sandwich: Feeds 1

2 Eggs
2 Slices of Bread
Mayonnaise (light or Miracle Whip if you prefer)
Hot Sauce of your choice (Sriracha for me!)

To prepare:
1. Heat up a skillet with oil of your choice and cook the eggs the way you like them. Keep in mind it's a sandwich though, and too runny means messy!
2. Toast the two slices of bread.
3. Apply mayonnaise to both slices of bread.
4. Place the two eggs on top of the mayonnaise.
5. Add hot sauce.

And you're done! This recipe is also amazing with cheese, I just didn't have any with me today. Don't knock the mayo thing until you try it. At first, I thought it was weird and would be gross but I loved it and I'm a picky eater!

Smoothie: Feeds 1

1 Tablespoon Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal
3-4 Tablespoons Low Fat or Greek Yogurt (whatever your preference)
Frozen fruit of your choice (I chose strawberries)
1 Whole Banana
Milk (optional)

First, chop the banana and put it in the cup or blender. Then add the yogurt. After that, the flaxseed. I find it's best to sort of wedge the flaxseed in the middle so it can evenly distribute in the smoothie. Then add the frozen fruit. You don't have to use frozen, but I prefer it because then I don't need to use ice. You can add as much or as little as you would like. When I use strawberries, I usually add about 5-6. Then you can add milk to make the consistency of the smoothie thinner. I personally only add about half a cup to mine. Then blend away! I use a bullet type of blender so this recipe is just enough!

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Everyday Beauty Essentials

Being a college girl, I don't always have time to put myself together in the morning. With all the late nights studying (or netflixing, let's be real) I like to stay in my bed just as long as I can until I have no choice but to get up. I know that that's not for everyone, but I need my sleep, so I literally rush out the door and it takes me fifteen minutes or less to do hair, makeup, and outfit. I've got it down to a science.

Now, on a typical day I don't wear makeup, so that's a big time saver. But we all have those days where we either wakeup feeling like we got no sleep or we have eye bags from hell. On those days I'll spend a few more minutes on my makeup. So, for the sake of this post I'll be sharing what I need when I do choose to wear makeup.

About Marissa

I find that when it comes to what I want to say about myself, it never comes out right. I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a girlfriend. I take pride in those relationships and hold them dear to me. But the greatest thing that I will ever be is a Christian.

I am the ripe young age of twenty. I go to school full time and am currently a sophomore studying engineering. I have many different interests including teaching, writing (nothing serious and no poems, yuck), and singing my heart out in the car or shower. I also enjoy watching Netflix, southern style cooking, and finding new beauty products.

I believe that my life is only just beginning at that no matter what path I end up on, it is the right one for me.

I'm a homebody so I guess that means my blog won't be that interesting... sorry! But I chiefly made this blog for myself to jot down some of the many small ticks or ideas that fill my head on a daily basis.

If you have any questions for me I'd be delighted to answer them, but otherwise I'm afraid there's just not much else to say about me. I hope you enjoy the blog.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Reasons Why Single People Should Love Valentines Day

Oh, february. Love is in the air. 

But when so many single people fixate on Valentine's Day with thoughts of loneliness, abandonment, or hatred I'm here to remind single people everywhere why they should love and embrace Valentine's Day.

1. Because Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to watch chick flicks alone.
And you know what? It's perfectly okay to cry because there's no one there to judge you.

2. While everyone else is spending money on other people, you get to spend yours entirely on yourself. 
Flowers, jewelry, food? Forget that.

3. If you choose to go out into the social scene, you know that almost everyone is as lonely and desperate as you.

4. Half priced candy the next day will numb any pain of the night before.
Eat your feelings. It's okay. 

5. And You don't have to share anything.
My food. My wine. My couch.

February Update

Long time, no post. I suppose this was bound to happen eventually.

I've been doing fairly well in school. No failed tests yet! Don't judge me, college is hard okay? I'm in a lot of challenging classes this semester, but I wouldn't have it any other way right now. This is the first time in my academic career where I feel like what I'm learning in class can be applied later in my life and that's pretty cool.

I've been sticking pretty heavily to a gym schedule, which is great because if you know me at all, you know I can't stick with things for anything. Including a blog apparently. But I've been going five days a week which may seem slightly excessive, but if you want results... Summer bodies are made in winter and Jesus is it cold out there.

Finally though the Midwest did warm up a bit today. I think it was almost 50 F outside. This weekend is supposed to be beautiful, but I'm sure I won't notice it behind the glass windows of the library where I will be getting my study on. Maybe I'll even post something to avoid the terrible homework that's going to take me all of Saturday afternoon.

Also, I've been thinking of changing my blog's domain name. I came up with something I like better, and let's be real, no one will find this blog with a typo in the name. I'm about 10000% positive my dad is the only one who reads this stuff (Love you, dad!) anyway.

I have some good ideas for future posts so keep on the lookout for those. I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately and drawing inspiration. Maybe one day like ten people will read this! (2014 Goal: 10 readers.)

I'm also halfway through season 8 of How I Met Your Mother, which is the last season on Netflix. So when that's over I'm not sure what I'll watch. Open to all suggestions!

Hope everyone is well.
